Course Highlights

Courses to choose from
Note: You’ll see that the numbering in live projects of 80+ hours course for Machine Learning starts from 5, and for 150+ hours course, it starts from 11, which means that 80+ hours module of this mentorship will cover everything from 50+ hours mentorship plus these add-ons. And similarly, 150+ hours, covers everything which is there in 80+ hours’ module along with the topics mentioned there. This fact is applicable for every module in this course.50+ hrs
INR 5400
Live Projects
- Predicting Survivors of Titanic Disaster.
- Movie Recommendation System.
- Webcam Motion Detector using OpenCv.
- Eye Gesture recognition and Understanding using OpenCv.
Course Outcomes
- Get familiar with following libraries: Pandas, Scikit-Learn, Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, fastai, etc.
- Understand and implement Machine Learning algorithms, mainly Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Random Forest, SVM, KNN, Neural Networks and Convolutional Neural Networks.
- Do Basic Feature Engineering.
- Choose Best Fit Model.
- Start Kaggle Projects.
- Top 20% performers of each batch will be eligible for interview for internships. Based on the interview, an internship will be provided. It will be a one month’s unpaid internship.
80+ hrs
INR 9000
- All 50+ hrs features +
Live Projects
- Predicting Digits using MNIST Dataset.
- Object Detection in an image.
- Object Detection in a video.
- Animal Classifier.
- Face Recognition.
- Advanced Data Visualization Techniques.
Course Outcomes
- Handle Structured Data efficiently.
- Feel confident about optimization, normalization and Hyper Parameter Tuning Techniques.
- Get introduced to the different models and architectures in Deep Learning.
- Create Synthetic Features.
- Get detailed idea about image classification and image augmentation.
- Top 2 performers of a batch will be awarded with a direct internship. Another 3 of that batch will be interviewed.
150+ hrs
INR 21600
- All 80+ hrs features +
Live Projects
- Twitter Sentiment Analysis.
- News Headline Creator.
- Multi Object Detection.
- Creating your own music.
- Making Different Art using Neural Style Transfer.
- Your own custom project.
- Quora Recommendation
Course Outcomes
- Handle Unstructured Data efficiently.
- Expand your knowledge base in Transfer Learning, RNN, Reinforcement Learning, GAN, etc.
- Build your own customized CNN and RNN models.
- Gain familiarity with Tensorflow, PyTorch, Keras.
- Work on AWS & Colab comfortably.
- Understand minute Dos and Don’ts in of this field.
- At the end of the course, Every Student will be given a chance to do an internship or work on client projects for a minimum engagement of 2 months